Friday, October 15, 2010

The kite runner finished

As the title to this blog post states I am now done reading the kite runner. My impression of the book is that it is really good and extremely sad. The entire story can be called a quest for redemption. Amir has done something horrible and he is unable to move past that point in his life. The book shows how he finally tries to make amends by taking care of Hassan's son Sohrab. In his quest for redemption there are times when it looks like he is on the right path and other times were he isn't. In the end I think he is able to at least move on in his life.

The ending can't be called a happy ending, but it is heading in that direction. The last few pages shows that Sohrab is finally opening a bit up after his suicide attempt.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I agree, it is not a Hollywood happy ending. But it brings a slight hope for the future. It is a sad story.
